3 Steps Mango Smoothie Recipe

Summer season marks the calendar with the arrival of mangoes and the preparation of a variety of mango desserts and mango drinks like mango margaritas, mango juice, and smoothies. Transport yourself straight to the tropical paradise by making a cool and creamy mango smoothie by blending the sweetness of different frozen fruits. A cool and creamy mango smoothie shine through the glass like sunshine, full of nutrition and freshness. Beat the heat by preparing this mango smoothie, which tastes so good that it can beat any dessert. Let’s dive into this guide, learn the mango smoothie recipe, and create your new favorite fruit smoothie.

Mango Smoothie Ingredients

  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup mango nectar
  • 1 cup almond milk

For a fruit smoothie with a creamy texture

  • ½ cup Greek yogurt (optional)
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (optional)

Dairy Free Options

  • Substitute almond milk with oat milk
  • Skip the Greek yogurt


Step 1

Prepare the Ingredients

Gather all the ingredients and make sure that all frozen fruits, such as frozen bananas, frozen mango, etc, are ready.

Step 2

Blend the Smoothie

  • Add the frozen banana, frozen mango, and mango nectar in a blender.
  • Add the almond milk (or oat milk for a plant-based option).
  • If you are making a smoothie using Greek powder or protein powder, also add them to this point.
  • Blend all ingredients on high until you achieve a creamy texture if the smoothie is too thick, thin out any extra almond milk or mango nectar to get the right consistency.

Step 3

Taste and Serve

Taste the smoothie and adjust the sweetness or creaminess by adding more fresh fruit or a splash of almond milk. Pour the smoothie into a glass and savor the flavors of a refreshing mango smoothie.

Variations To Mango Smoothie Recipe

Mango Smoothie Recipe without Yogurt

This recipe of mango smoothie is for those who prefer a dairy-free smoothie. You can make a mango smoothie easily without using yogurt.  Just omit the Greek yogurt and add more frozen banana or mango to keep the creamy texture.

Mango Smoothie Recipe without Banana

This is still wonderful, even if you’re trying to avoid eating bananas. In place of the frozen banana, add more frozen mangoes or fresh mangoes. This variation highlights the luscious mangoes’ tropical flavor.

Mango Pineapple Smoothie Recipe

Add the tropical sweetness of pineapples and create a mango pineapple smoothie recipe by adding 1 cup of frozen pineapple to the basic mango smoothie ingredients. Mango and pineapple frozen together create a vibrant, tropical-flavored refreshing smoothie.

Strawberry Mango Smoothie Recipe

Try this recipe for a strawberry-mango smoothie for a fun twist. Blend in 1 cup of frozen strawberries. When sweet mangoes and strawberries are combined, they create a fruity explosion ideal for summer.

Tropical Mango Smoothie Recipe

Incorporate the flavors of tropical fruits in a classic mango smoothie recipe and create a glass of tropical that captures the essence of coconuts and pineapples. In a blender, combine frozen mango, frozen pineapple, frozen banana, coconut milk (or almond/oat milk), and mango nectar. Blend on high until the texture is creamy. If desired, add honey after tasting to make it sweeter. Pour into a glass and start sipping right away.

Tips for the Best Mango Smoothie

Use Frozen Fruits

Using frozen fruit like frozen banana and frozen mango not only keeps the smoothie cold but also adds to the creamy texture.

Sweeten Naturally

Fresh fruit and mango nectar usually have sufficient sweetness. If necessary, you can add a small amount of honey or maple syrup.

Plant-Based Options

To make a plant-based, dairy-free smoothie, use almond or oat milk in place of dairy milk. The smoothie will be lighter and simpler to process.

Add Protein

If you use this smoothie as a post-workout snack, stir in a scoop of protein powder. It enhances the smoothie’s nutritional value and facilitates muscle healing.

Try Different Fruit Combos

Don’t be afraid to try different frozen and fresh fruit combos. There are many ways to customize the basic smoothie recipe.


Summing up with the conclusion that a perfect mango smoothie is all about balancing flavors and textures. The classic mango smoothie is a nutritious and refreshing drink well-liked by people of all ages. Experiment with the variations, add your favorite frozen fruits and create diverse varieties of mango smoothies to suit the unique taste of everyone. Gather your ingredients and blend the fruits to make tempting variations of mango smoothies and satisfy your cravings for mangoes.

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